Image of child at the Moria camp
GREECE – October 8 2020

Statement on the fires at the Moria camp

"We cannot rebuild the same system of inhumane conditions from the ashes of Moria." Read the full statement by Steffen Braasch, CEO of SOS Children's Villages International.

Steffen Braasch, CEO of SOS Children’s Villages International, issued the following statement following the fires at the Moria camp in Lesbos which left some 13,000 people without any shelter or access to food and services. 

"The fire in ​the Moria refugee camp is yet another result of unacceptable treatment of children and families desperately seeking protection and a better life. It is an appalling consequence of the European Union’s refusal ​to​ share responsibility for arriving migrants and refugees. We cannot rebuild the same system of inhumane conditions from the ashes of Moria. All those affected by the fire need immediate access to shelter, healthcare, food, care and psychosocial aid. This fire is a wake-up call for an overdue response that would reflect Europe’s commitments to human rights, to international protection, to solidarity and to children’s rights. The EU must walk the talk, and put its commitments into practice." - Steffen Braasch, CEO of SOS Children’s Villages International.


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