Your Support Matters
“I was only 8 when my three little sisters and I were taken by our state social worker to the Florida SOS Children’s Village ... At SOS, I finally learned what it meant to have a home and a family, to relax without worrying about where my sisters were or if they were being taken good care of. I spent 10 years at SOS and was nurtured, guided, learned to trust again, and to believe in myself and be the best I could be. I am a responsible and loving mother today because of the nurturing, care, and love I was given at SOS.”
– Wanda, SOS Florida, United States
“My experience at SOS Children’s Villages changed me. I was kind of a stubborn child … But as time went on I realized that if I don’t use this opportunity, there was no other way I would get an education and go on with life.”
– Ambrose, SOS Entebbe, Uganda
“What’s remarkable about my story is that it’s one of many. Right now, there are about 80,000 children who are growing up at an SOS Village across more than 130 countries. Like me, these children were alone or without adequate care before they were welcomed into their SOS family. Also like me, these children would be out on the streets or worse if it weren’t for the love, care and stability they get at the SOS Village where they live.”
– Gebre-Egziabher, SOS Mekelle, Ethiopia, and SOS-Hermann Gmeiner International College, Tema, Ghana
“SOS means home for its young people. It is very important for the development of a child to have parental care to create stability in his life so he can build a better future for himself. SOS Children’s Villages really does what it says it does. Everyone is entitled to a chance, and you help give people like me a chance. Maybe you think your contribution is small, but believe me, for children like me it means a lot! Thank you for everything you do for us, SOS Children’s Villages!”
– Lucian, SOS Bucharest, Romania
“My SOS family has created a good foundation for who I am today. I have been equipped with the necessary skills I need, and I believe so have the other young people.”
– Masresha, SOS Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
“My SOS mother always stood next to me, encouraged me to correct any wrongdoing, and motivated me. She was the person behind my success. I still remember her words: ‘Whatever you do, give one hundred percent. Believe in yourself.’”
– Amul, SOS Kavre, Nepal
“My SOS mother has been, and always will be, one of the most influential driving forces in my life. She let me know that anything is possible, that I was worthy, and that I was loved.”
– Irene, SOS Pfalz, Germany
“I realized as I got older that I was in survival mode. So I never got the chance to sit back and say I want to be this or I’d like to be that. SOS gave me hope, SOS gave me confidence, and SOS restored my hope in myself I guess that I actually had a future and that I could be something.”
– Kandice Hart, SOS Florida, United States
“I can remember always playing soccer with brothers and living as a normal child, surrounded by my siblings, being taken care of by mother and going to school and enjoying life.”
– Yaw, SOS Tamale, Ghana
“When my mother died, I thought that I would be alone and afraid for the rest of my life.”
– Leonita, SOS Pristina, Kosovo
Alumni: Giving Back
“When I received my sponsorship welcome packet, I actually used the opportunity to share my own personal story with my daughter. She was surprised to hear that I was an orphaned child. I quickly told her there was no way I could actually call myself an orphaned child because I had a home and mom at SOS.”
– Enetty, SOS Zimbabwe
“I grew up in an SOS Village (Austria) myself. I am just trying to give to the organization that helped me become who I am.”
– Klaus Grimm, SOS Austria
“Even though I am thousands of miles away from my home in Ethiopia, I am still in regular contact with my SOS Mother and with the Village. In fact, I sponsor a little girl at the same SOS Village where I grew up.”
– Gebre-Egziabher, SOS Mekelle, Ethiopia, and SOS-Hermann Gmeiner International College, Tema, Ghana
“I come back to SOS to encourage the kids. I counsel and teach them so they do not go astray … I want them to grow up to be successful. I want them to do better than me. I want them to know that with hard work and a positive attitude they can achieve anything.”
– Favour, SOS Isolo, Nigeria
“I want to make sure that all young people’s voices from all backgrounds are heard, especially those who are forgotten … These include young people without parental care or at risk of losing parents; indigenous youth all over the world; those with mental or physical disabilities; and more close to home for me personally, young people in conflict-affected countries such as Nigeria, Syria, and Burundi.”
– Divine, SOS Burundi
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