
Village sponsorship for corporate partners

2 0 2 4  A N N U A L  S P O N S O R S H I P  O P P O R T U N I T I E S

Let’s work together to ensure that no child grows up alone. 


A sense of belonging

With 75 years of expertise, we know that creating a sense of belonging is the key to building a strong family. SOS Children’s Villages provides our partners with unique opportunities to build that sense of belonging with their employees through meaningful engagement that delivers real impact. 

When you partner with SOS Children’s Villages, you align with our life-changing mission and demonstrate your company’s commitment to creating equitable access to safety, stability and justice for children without adequate parental care.

We work closely with you to develop custom engagement and fundraising campaigns that deliver memorable results for your brand and employees — 
and lasting change for children.

How your village sponsorship changes lives

1 in 10 children and young people are separated from their families, abandoned, neglected or forced to live in an abusive environment, growing up without the parental care they need to prepare  themselves for their future. 

Without the strength of human connection and trusting relationships, children struggle to develop the resilience and support networks they need to set personal goals and move confidently into self-reliant adulthood.

With your village sponsorship, you ensure these children have the care and resources they need to improve their lives. 

Powered by partners like you, a sponsored village provides family-like care that promotes the development, education and health of each child. 


Living together in families with dedicated caretakers, children thrive within a positive and nurturing community to reach their full potential and become their strongest selves.

Positive engagement throughout the year

Because SOS Children’s Villages works in more than 130 countries, you can bring your team together to sponsor a village in any region of the world. In addition to photos and information about their sponsored village and the children who live there, we provide opportunities to engage your employees throughout the year, celebrating their contributions and impact every step of the way.

Custom impact reports

Employees receive reports 
throughout the year with updates 
on the children and the impact of 
your sponsorship.

Lunch and Learns 

Let our program experts inspire your team with interactive conversations about the benefits of a loving home, family-like care and more.

Fundraising toolkits

We can provide your employees with everything they need to celebrate their sponsorship and fundraise like a pro!

digital assets

Let employees inspire others and build awareness within their own networks with co-branded social media assets. 

Meeting with 
our front-line staff

Village sponsors can access online Q&As with our front-line staff, gaining first-hand knowledge about how their support is changing lives. 

“Power of the pen” volunteerism

Employees can directly support children in your sponsored village by mailing messages of hope and encouragement.  

S P O N S O R S H I P  S P O T L I G H T

Meet Nazia

In the heart of Bawana, an industrial suburb of Delhi, 16-year-old Nazia dreams of becoming a lawyer despite the challenges of growing up in a slum with her parents and four siblings.

Nazia faced many obstacles on her path to an education, as her family lived below the poverty line. But through child sponsorship, she was the first of her generation to access formal education.

“I used to dream of touching a computer keyboard like other children in my class,” says Nazia. “It used to be a dream for me ... because no one in my family had ever touched a smartphone.”

Working with SOS Children’s Villages family strengthening program, Nazia’s family received essential supplies and support, including a tablet for Nazia and her siblings to keep up with their education during Covid lockdowns.

SOS child sponsors play a key role in providing digital learning solutions for children like Nazia. Across the country, more than 700 children have received digital literacy through SOS Children’s Villages, offering new pathways to equal opportunities and economic stability for young people.

"When I witnessed my daughter using a computer for the first time, I couldn't hold back my tears,” said Nazia's mother, Nazneen. “It was unbelievable to see my child, born into an illiterate family, confidently working on a computer like wealthy and educated individuals. The moment overwhelmed me, and I couldn't stop sobbing.” 

Opportunities for impact

Wherever you choose to make your impact, when you partner with SOS Children's Villages USA, you’re leveraging more than 75 years of work in communities spanning 130+ countries and territories, a global network of experts and policymakers, and a worldwide coalition of passionate supporters.

Tier 1:

All or multiple village sponsorships in a country or region.
Let’s design a custom partnership, tailored for you!

Tier 2:

A village sponsorship in the country of your choice, with employee engagement opportunities throughout the year. 

— Personalized quarterly impact reports.
— Up to three facilitated employee engagement activations during the year.
— SOS Children’s Villages promotion of your specific partnership, including co-branded media and communications opportunities, such as dedicated landing pages on our website, blogs, press releases, speaking engagements and social media collateral.

Tier 3:

A village sponsorship in the country of your choice.

— Personalized quarterly impact reports.
— One employee engagement activation of your choice.

Contact us

For more information about partnerships, please contact: Jenessa Bryan, Director of Partnerships at, or call 1-888-767-4543.