Children are at risk
There are around 7.2 million under-18s in Canada, which means that children constitute around 19% of the population. In Canada, child abuse is one of the leading causes of child death, and around a third of under-15s report some form of maltreatment, including physical or sexual abuse or witnessing violence. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in reports of online sexual exploitation of children.
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Children lives in poverty
Over 6 million people, more than 16% of the population, live below the poverty line. 1.3 million of them are children. This equates to almost 18% of the nation’s child population. Younger children are at greater risk, with almost 19% of under-6s, around 433,740 children, living in poverty. Children are more vulnerable to the effects of deprivation, facing long-term consequences to their development, educational outcomes, as well as their physical and mental health.
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Children in Canada at risk of hunger
Food insecure households
Across Canada’s ten provinces, an average of 16% of households lack food security. It affects 5.8 million people - 16% of the population. Children are disproportionately affected, with 1.4 million under-18s at risk of hunger. However, these figures exclude several highly vulnerable groups. Food insecurity has multiple knock-on effects on children’s well-being and their ability to concentrate in school. It also weakens their immune systems, resulting in poor health and a greater likelihood of illness.
Of Status First Nations children live in poverty
Family separation
Indigenous communities experience higher levels of poverty, which is influenced by their territory of residence, registration status, and whether they live on reserves. Over 50% of Status First Nations children living on reserves live in poverty. This rate is over 4 times higher than for non-indigenous (and non-immigrant) children. Poverty has been used to legitimize the separation of indigenous children from their families. Family separation disconnects children from their cultural heritage, negatively impacting their physical and mental health, social integration, and prospects.
Together we can make a difference for children in Canada
Children and young people
Are supported overall
Children and young people
Receive healthcare support
Children and young people
Grow up in our care
Are supported with educational services
(Symbolic picture)