Every child deserves a loving home.

You can help a vulnerable child grow up in a safe home with a loving family.

Sponsor a child today

We believe family matters.

The love and protection of a thriving family is vital for a happy, healthy childhood and successful future.

As part of our global community, you help give loving families to children, strengthen families to prevent separation and provide life-saving services to children and families in emergencies.

Give the gift of family

What we accomplish, together 

For more than 75 years and in 130 countries, we’ve been raising children with all the encouragement and resources they need; we support their transition into adulthood, while strengthening the families and communities around them.

An estimated 220 million children–1 out of 10 worldwide–are at risk of growing up alone. But, together with our supporters, we're working tirelessly to end violence against childen, neglect and exploitation–​breaking the cycle of abuse so that every child grows up safe, healthy and educated.

With our innovative, family-based model, we provided safe homes, loving families and essential resources to more than 600,000 children in 2023. And we won't stop until every child is raised with love, respect and opportunity. Are you with us?

Here’s how you can help!

Sponsoring a child, donating, sending a gift, fundraising–there are so many ways you can make a difference in a child’s life today.

Sponsor a child

There are over 150 million children alone in the world. Your sponsorship can change that and give a child the safety and support of a loving family.

Sponsor today

Give to children

Give a child without a family or daily essentials the most precious gifts of all: love, care and hope for their future.

Donate today

Gift catalog

Help children achieve their full potential with real gifts like school meals, access to clean water, school supplies and much more!

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Launch your fundraiser

Engage friends and family and make a lasting impact in the lives of children in need by starting a fundraiser for SOS Children’s Villages.

Get started

Rush life-saving resources to children in Israel and Palestine


Help find homes for child earthquake survivors in Morocco


Provide food, shelter and more to children in war-torn Ukraine


Emergency response:
The children who need you most

War and natural disasters leave children worldwide without parents and vulnerable to violence and exploitation. With your support, our local emergency response teams act quickly to protect children, provide critical humanitarian aid and reunite families. 
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