

Advocating for children’s rights, voices and lives

Elevating the voices of young people

Every day at SOS Children’s Villages, we advocate for child protection and the development of children in a family environment. We also support children and young people to participate in making decisions that affect them and to become their own advocates. Through advocacy at the local, national and international levels, we raise awareness for decision makers to the rights and needs of children in order to bring about changes in policies and practices that affect young people's lives. This creates critical improvements through social impact for children globally.

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Our focus

To build a supportive environment for children around the world, our advocacy work focuses on:

Children's rights, here in the U.S. and around the world

Ensuring that decision makers consider the unique needs of unparented children

Promoting the inclusion of young people in decision and policy making

Developing quality standards of care for children and young people

Your support in action

The right to a new life

“It is important to understand these children,” says Samira Sinai, a member of SOS Hungary’s Mobile Team. Samira, an intercultural mediator, works with unaccompanied refugee children in Fót, which is a town outside of Budapest.


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From mom to advocate

Verónica, age 28, lives with her husband and their three children in a small house in Santa Cruz del Quiché, Guatemala. She began participating in SOS’s family strengthening program in 2012, when the program started in the area.

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Take action!

You can help vulnerable children advocate for themselves and use their voices for positive change. Join us today.

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